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60SecondBridge - Acol Flipper

Points for Games, Slams, Distribution and Suit Shortages

Total Points (TP)

To get your total points add together: distribution points (DP) + high card points (HCP) = Total Points (TP)

Distribution Points (DP)

When opening the bidding count the HCP and add DP. *Note: DP's are not used in NoTrumps

Long Suit Distribution Points (LSDP or DP's)  *before a 'fit' is found 
  • Add 1 point for every card over 4 in each suit
  • Each 5-card: Add 1 point
  • Each 6-card: Add 2 points
  • Each 7-card: Add 3 points
Short Suit Distribution Points (SSDP or DP's)  *for suit contracts after a 'fit' is found 
  • Void = count 5 points
  • Singleton = count 3 points
  • Doubleton = count 1 point

Points Required To Bid Game  

  • 3NT = 25 High Card Points (HCP);
  • 4  4 = 26 TP (HCP + DP)
  • 5   5 = 29 TP (HCP+ DP)

No Trump Slam Points required

  • Small Slams - 6NT = 33-36 points;
  • Grand Slams- 7NT = 37+points;

Suit Slams 

  • Small Slams - 6  6   6  6  = 32-36 points;
  • Grand Slams - 7,  7  7   7  = 37+ points
  • Note: Unbalanced hands in suit slams may need less points


  • Each trick light -10 points
  • Game bonus +500 points
  • Not Vulnerable
  • Each trick light -50 points
  • Game bonus +300 points

One Level Opening Bids and Responses

Opening Bids

Suit Bids - If your hand is unbalanced

  • 12+ points including DP's = Open with a 1 level suit bid
  • If you have 11 points you should have at least one five card and one 4 card suit
  • If you open either 1, 1 you should have four or more cards in the suit
  • If you have 10 points you should have two 5+ card suits
Which suit first?
  • With a holding of 5+ cards in a suit open your longest suit first
  • With 2 x 5 card suits bid the highest ranked suit first
  • With two or more 4 card suits bid the lowest ranked suit first (bidding up the line)
  • With a singleton and 3 4-card suits if the singleton is:
    • - the black suits(clubs or spades) open the middle of the other three suits
    • - the red suits (hearts or diamonds) open the suit below the singleton

No-Trump (NT) - If your hand is balanced (4333 or 4432 or 5332) distribution

  • 1NT = 12 - 14 HCP
  • 2NT = 20 - 22 HCP
  • 3NT = 25 - 27 HCP
  • NOTE* Opening 1NT can contain a five card major or minor suit

Responding Bids

At the 1 level is forcing on partner for 1 round of bidding 
  • With 5 points AND a 5+ card suit bid at the one level
  • With 6+ points and a 4 card suit
Not forcing 1 level bid
  • Pass = with 0-4 points
  • 1NT = 6-9 points, denies 4 spades or 3 hearts NOT forcing
At the 2 level with a new suit forcing for one round of bidding
  • A lower ranked suit at the 2 level = 10+ points and 4+ cards 
  • A higher ranked suit = jump bid = 16+ HCP and 5 card suit, gameforce bid, slam prospects 
At the 2 level not forcing
  • 2NT = 11-12 HCP balanced no 4 card major
  • 3NT = 13-15 HCP, 4-3-3-3 shape, no 4 card major 
Raising partner's opening suit not forcing
  • By one level: 4 card support and 6-9 points, eg.1 - 2
  • By two levels: 4 card support and 10-12 points eg.1 - 3 
  • By three levels: 5+ card support, unbalanced hand, less than 10 points eg. 1 - 4 
To show 13 - 15 points and support for opener
  • Bid a new suit initially and then jump to game on the second round of bidding. This bid is a delayed game raise 
  • 1. Holding enough points bid your longest suit first, if you are too weak to bid a new suit at the 2 level you may need to bid a 4 card major ahead of your longer minor suit.
  • 2. Bid a 4 card major suit before raising partners minor
  • 3. Bid your 4 card major suiit rather than NoTrump if you have a good rebid
  • 4. Bidding 1 - 2  means you promise 5 heart suit cards or more 

Two level Opening Bids and Responses

*Discuss and agree to play 1 of the following 3 systems with partner

System One

1. Strong Two Opening bids 
  • 2 = 23+ points or 10 playing tricks -partner must bid to game (a gameforce bid)
  • 2,  2 or  2 = 17 - 22 points or 8 playing tricks.
  • 2NT = 20-22 HCP and a balanced hand (4333 or 4432 or 5332) distribution. *this bid can have 1 five card major suit ?
      Responses to Strong 2 Openings ?
    • After bids of 2,  2 or  2,   2NT is negative showing 0-7 points.
    • After a 2 bid, 2 is negative showing 0-7 points.
    • All other responses are positive showing 8+ points and at least 4 cards in the suit bid.

System Two

2. Weak Two Opening bids 
  • 2 ,  2 = 6 card suit and 6-10 points, having least 1 honor card Q or higher in the long suit. It denies a 4 card holding in the other major suit.
  • 2  = 6 card suit and 6-10 points, having least 1 honor card Q or higher in the long suit.
  • 2  = 23+ points or 10 playing tricks -partner must bid to game (gameforce)
  • 2NT = 20-22 HCP and a balanced hand (4333 or 4432 or 5332) distribution. *this bid can have 1 five card major suit
    • Responses to Weak Two bids 
    • New suit bid is a forcing bid opener must respond
    • Single raise of opener is a sign off.
    • 2NT = Strong enquiry

System Three

3. Benjamised Opening Two bids 
  • 2,  2 = 6 card suit and 6-10 points, having least 1 honor card Q or higher in the long suit. It denies a 4 card holding in the other major suit.
  • 2  = 23+ HCP a gameforce bid - partner must keep bidding going until game is reached
  • 2  = 18-22 points or 9 playing tricks.
  • 2NT = 20-22 HCP and a balanced hand (4333 or 4432 or 5332) distribution. *this bid can have 1 five card major suit ?
    • Responses to Benjamised 2 or 2 
    • 2 - 2 OR 2 - 2 = a negative response 0-7 TP's
    • All other responses are positive 8+ TP's
      • a new suit after 2  is not forcing
      • A positive response (8+ points) to 2 or 2  is a gameforce
      • A positive suit reply to 2 suggests slam values
      • A positive suit reply = 5+ suit
      • 2NT = positive and balanced hand

1NT 2NT and 3NT Opening Bids and Responses

Opening Bids

    Opening 1NT - 12-14 HCP

  • 1NT = 12-14 HCP and a balanced hand (4333 or 4432 or 5332) distribution. *this bid can have 1 five card major suit
  • Responding to 1NT Opener

    Responders bid without a 4 card major suit 
    • With a long (6+) club suit bid 2 and then bid 3
    • 2, 2, 2 = Weak - less than 11 points, but holding a five card suit - Opener must pass this takeout bid
    • 2NT =  invitation to game 11-12 HCP, with no 4 card major suit, opener passes with only 12 HCP bids 3NT with 13-14 HCP
    • 3NT, 4, 4 =  Opener must pass as responder wants to play in game
    • 4NT Quantitative - inviting Opener with higher points to bid 6NT
    Stayman - Responders bid with one or two 4 card major suits
    1NT - 2   An artificial bid asking opener to bid any major suit they have in ascending order. So with 2 four card majors responder bids the hearts first. must have a least one four-card major and at least 8 high-card points to use the Stayman convention.”
    • Opener's response to partner's Stayman bid 
    • 2 =  I have 4 spades and I don't have 4 hearts
    • 2 = I have 4 hearts and I may have 4 spades also
    • 2 = I don't hold a 4 card major 
    Jacoby Transfers (also called transfers) 
    *Agree with partner before if playing Jacoby Transfers responder should have a point count = 3-28 TP
    Openers Bid     Responders Bid     Meaning of Responders Bid
    1NT   2     Responder has 5+ spades, and is asking partner to please bid spades
    1NT   2    Responder has 5+ hearts and is asking partner to please bid hearts

    Super Accept Bids after Transfers

    Most of the time, the notrump opener will accept a Jacoby transfer bid and make a minimum response, but there is one exception. With a maximum hand, including four-card support for partner's major, the 1NT opener should jump to the three level in responder's suit. This is called super-acceptance.

    Minor Suit Transfers  
    *Agree with partner before if playing Minor Suit Transfers responder should have a point count = 3-28 TP
    Openers Bid     Responders Bid     Meaning of Responders Bid
    1NT   2     Responder holds 6+ clubs, asks partner to bid 3C or 2NT in the case of having a good club suit, usually headed by a high card (e.g. Axx, K10x, Qxxx, QJx).
    1NT   2NT    Responder has 6+ diamonds and asks partner to bid 3NT or 3C in the case of having a good suit.

    Opening 2NT Bid (20-22 HCP)

    2NT = 20-22 HCP and a balanced hand (4333 or 4432 or 5332) distribution. *this bid can have 1 five card major suit
    Responses to 2NT Opening Bid
    The same as the responses to 1NT opening but one level higher Includes Stayman, Transfers and Minor Suit Transfers

    Responding to 2NT Opener

    Stayman Convention (but at the 3 level) 
    • 3 = - responder has 3+ points and at least 1 four card major suit and is asking opener for any 4 card major they hold (bid in ascending order) 
    • 3, 3, 3 = a gameforce with 5+ cards in bid suit, bid until game has been bid

    Responders bid without a 4 card major suit 
    • 3 = a gameforce with 5+ cards in bid suit, bid until game
    • 3NT = 3-7 points and no 5 card Major suit
    • With a long (6+) club suit bid 3 and then rebid 5

    Responders bid with a 5 card suit 
    • 3, 3 3 = a gameforce with 5+ cards in bid suit, bid until game has been reached

    Responders Slam or Game Try after 1NT opener

    Responder bids 4NT  Quantitative= Inviting Opener to keep bidding and show strength

    Openers Points and Responses
    With 20 HCP Opener passes
    With 21 HCP Opener bids 5NT
    With 22 HCP Opener bids 6NT

    Opening a weak and gambling 3NT

    This bid is used to describe a hand containing a minor suit of at least seven cards in length and headed by the ace, king and queen, at minimum. The bid has the objectives of preempting the opponents' bidding if they they hold the major suits and trying for a game in notrump on the hope that partner might hold adequate support.
    Because this conventional bid replaces the standard use of opening 3NT (a hand with 25-27 high card points and a balanced distribution), partnerships must use other bids to show the standard 3NT hand

    Responding to a weak gambling 3NT opener

    4, 4 =  Opener must pass as responder wants to play in a suit game
    4  or 5   Pass openers 3NT if your suit is clubs
    4  or 5   Responder takes opener out to diamonds if that is their 7 card suit

Opener's Rebids after opening one in a suit

Balanced hand and after a 1 level suit opening bid 
  • 1NT = 15-16 HCP
  • 2NT = 17-18 HCP denies a four card Major
  • 3NT = 19 HCP
After partner's new suit at the 2 level bid and with a balanced hand
  • 2NT = 15-17 HCP
  • 3NT = 18-19 HCP
Unbalanced hands showing minimum 12-15 points 
  • Raise responder to the 2 level with 3-4 trump cards
  • Bid a major suit at the 1 level
  • Bid a lower ranked suit at the 2 level
  • Rebid your own opening suit (must have 5+ cards for this bid)
Unbalanced hands showing medium strength with 16-18 points 
  • Jump raise responder to 3 level with 4 trump cards
  • Bid a new suit of a lower rank
  • Bid a new suit of a higher rank (a reverse bid)
  • Jump and rebid your own suit to the 3 level- shows 6+ cards
Unbalanced hands showing a strong hand with maximum 19-22 points 
  • Bid game in responders major suit
  • Bid game in your major suit
  • Jump shift in a new suit (game force)
  • 1. Don't raise partners 1 level response with only 3 cards in their suit if your hand is balanced
  • 2. Raise a 1 level response to the 2 level with only 3 trump cards if your hand is unbalanced
  • 3. A jump raise of responders suit promises 4 trump cards
  • 4. A delayed support of responders suit eg.1 - 1, 2 - 2,  2...  promises responder that opener has a 3 card spade suit and 16-18 points.
  • 5. If you have a 5 card minor suit and a 4 card major suit do not rebid your 5+ card minor or rebid NoTrumps, rebid your major suit
  • 6. Openers jump rebid of the same suit is not a forcing bid if responder responded at the 1 level
  • 7. Openers jump rebid of the same suit is a forcing bid for 1 round if responder bid at the 2 level

Responder's Rebids - Responder's second bid

Responder showing a minimum hand 6-9 points

  • Raise openers 2nd bid suit
  • Support opener's 1st bid suit "giving preference"
  • Repeat your own suit at lowest level
  • Rebid 1NT

Responder showing a medium hand

Bids showing 10-12 points 
  • Jump to 2NT
  • Jump to 3 in an already bid suit
  • Bid a new suit

Responder showing a maximum hand

Bids showing 13+ (game going) points 
  • Insist on game
  • Jump in a new suit
  • Bid the 4th unbid suit (called fourth suit forcing often looking for a NoTrump contract)
  • Make a Reverse Bid by bidding a higher ranked suit than your first suit
  • 1. Don't raise opener's second suit with 3 trumps
  • 2. Prefer to find game in a major over 3NT
  • 3. Prefer to find game in 3NT rather than game in a minor suit
  • 4. Don't rebid a 5 card suit unless there are no other options
  • 5. After 3 other suits have been bid, do not bid NoTrumps unless you have a stopper in the 4th suit
  • 6. Rebidding your suit promises extra length but not extra strength
  • 7. Jump rebids by responder are not forcing unless in a new suit
  • 8. Fourth suit forcing shows game interest

Pre-Emptive Bidding and Responses

Opening Pre-Empts

Requirements for a 3 Level Pre-Emptive Opening 
  • A poor hand 7-10 TP
  • Singleton or a void
  • 7+ card suit
  • With 2+ honors in the long suit
  • No other 4+ card major suit
  • Within 2 tricks of your bid when vulnerable
  • Within 3 tricks of your bid when non-vulnerable
Requirements for a 4 Level Opening 
  • 5-8 TP include your long suit distribution points -LSDP
  • With 2+ honors in the long suit
  • Singleton or a void
  • An 8 card suit
  • No other 4+ card major suit
  • Within 2 tricks of your bid when vulnerable
  • Within 3 tricks of your bid when non-vulnerable

Overcalling Pre-Empts

Requirements for a 4 Level Overcall 
  • 7-10 TP
  • Singleton or a void
  • 7+ card suit
  • With 2+ honors in the long suit
  • No other 4+ card major suit interest
  • 1. A preemptive overcall skips two levels of bidding from the most recent opposition bid
  • 2. Don't pre-empt higher than game
  • 3. Do not bid again after pre-empt
  • 4. Count your playing tricks
    • A,K or Q in partners suit=1 trick each
Responses to PreEmpt Opening Bids or Pre-Empt Overcalls 
Count your winning tricks
  • A,K or Q in partners suit=1 trick
and Count your Tricks in Outside suits ?
  • AK = 2 tricks,
  • AQ = 1.5 tricks,
  • A or K/Q = 1 trick,
  • K = 1 trick
  • Support for partner and a void = 2 tricks
  • 1. If you have less than the tricks partner needs (3 if vul; 2 if non-vul) don't rescue partner
  • 2. If you have more tricks than partner is counting on you for (3 if vul; 2 if non-vul) bid to game or slam
  • 3. If Responses to a pre-empt a change of suit is a forcing bid, try to stay with openers major suit rather than looking for a new suit
  • 4. With 16+ points balanced hand (and no void or singleton in partners suit), respond to partners pre-empt of 3 OR  3 with 3NT

Vocabulary - Signals - Leads


Dealer - first player to bid
Opener - the first player to bid anything apart from Pass
Responder - the openers partner
Overcaller - any bids made by the opposition after the Opener has bid
Declarer - the first player to bid the suit of the final suit, they play their own hand and Dummy their partners hand
Opening Lead - the player to the left of the Declarer who makes the first lead of the game
Dummy - cards placed face up on the table after the opening Lead
Balanced hand - no singleton or void and only one doubleton with no 5 card Major Suit
The Rule of Twenty - A formula to calculate if a hand is strong enough to open the bidding even though the hand may not have 12+ points. Add: Total Points + Count of longest suit in hand + count of second longest suit in hand = If the number is equal to or greater than 20 you can open the bidding


Attitude This signal is used for showing partner if the suit they led is one you would like to be continued. Play a high card if you want partner to continue leading this suit and play a low card if you prefer them to switch suits

Reverse Attitude This signal is also used for showing partner if the suit they led is one you would like to be continued. Play a low card if you want partner to continue leading this suit and play a high card if you prefer them to switch suits. Low = Like & High = Dislike. The benefit of using Reverse attitude is that you aren't playing a high card out of a suit you like

The Count Use this signal when Declarer leads a suit. When you follow suit with small cards play low - high to show an odd number of cards in that suit. Play high - low to show an even number of cards in the suit you are playing.

Lavinthal Discards When Declarer leads and you can't follow suit throw a card from a suit you don't want, if you throw a high card (meaning 6 or higher) you want back the higher ranking of the other two suits. If you throw a low card so 2-5 then you want back the lower ranking of the other two suits. Although it sounds complex you just basically discarding a suit you don't want.

Suit Preference Most often when you are playing a card which partner will ruff.
Play a high card (6-10) if you want partner to return a high ranking suit and a low card (2-5) if you want the lower ranking side suit


Which suit should you lead?

Partner's suit If partner has bid a suit, lead it
No Trump Contract Lead a card from your longest suit
A Suit Contract A singleton can promote a ruff for your side

Which card should you Lead?

Never underlead an Ace against a suit contract! Lead the Ace itself if no better lead is available
Description     Cards in Hand
Top of a sequence     A K Q J
  "       K Q J T 
  "       Q J T 
Low card promises an Honour - 4th Highest
    Q 9 3 2
    K 8 5 3 2
Top of a sequence (High/Low)     9 2
MUD - Middle Up Down from three small cards     9 7 2



Trick Value
1 / 1   20 points per trick
1 / 1   30 points per trick
NoTrumps 40 points for the first trick and then 30 points for each subsequent trick

Bonus Points

Contract      Not Vulnerable     Vulnerable
Part Game     50 points     50 points
Game     300     500
Small Slam     800     1250
Grand Slam     1300     2000

Made Contracts

Not Vulnerable


Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
1-1      1 70 140 230 70 140 230
2 90 240 430 90 340 630
3 110 340 630 110 540 1030
4 130 440 830 130 740 1430
5 150 540 1030 150 940 1830
6 170 640 1230 170 1140 2230
7 190 740 1430 190 1340 2630

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
1-1      1 80 160 520 80 160 720
2 110 260 720 110 360 1120
3 140 360 920 140 560 1520
4 170 460 1120 170 460 1120
5 200 560 1320 200 960 2320
6 230 660 1520 230 1160 2720
7 260 760 1720 250 1360 3120

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
1NT         1 90 180 560 90 180 760
2 120 280 760 120 380 1160
3 150 380 960 150 580 1560
4 180 480 1160 180 780 1960
5 210 580 1360 210 980 2360
6 240 680 1560 240 1180 2760
7 270 780 1760 270 1380 3160

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
2-2      2 90 180 560 90 180 760
3 110 280 760 110 380 1160
4 130 380 960 130 580 1560
5 150 480 1160 150 780 1960
6 170 580 1360 170 980 2360
7 190 680 1560 190 1180 2760

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
2-2      2 110 470 640 110 670 840
3 140 570 840 110 670 840
4 170 670 1040 170 1070 1640
5 200 770 1240 200 1270 2040
6 230 870 1440 230 1470 2440
7 260 970 1640 260 1670 2840

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
2NT         2 120 490 680 120 690 880
3 150 590 150 890 1280
4 180 690 1080 180 1090 1680
5 210 790 1280 210 1290 2080
6 240 890 1480 240 1490 2480
7 270 990 1680 270 1690 2880

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
3-3      3 110 470 640 110 670 840
4 130 570 840 130 870 1240
5 150 670 1040 150 1070 1640
6 170 770 1240 170 1270 2040
7 190 870 1440 190 1470 2440

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
3-3      3 140 530 760 140 730 960
4 170 630 960 170 930 1360
5 200 730 1160 200 1130 1760
6 230 830 1360 230 1330 2160
7 260 930 1560 260 1530 2560

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
3NT         3 400 550 800 600 750 1000
4 430 650 1000 630 950 1400
5 460 750 1200 660 1150 1800
6 490 850 1400 690 1350 2200
7 520 950 1600 720 1550 2600

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
4-4      4 130 510 720 130 710 920
5 150 610 920 150 910 1320
6 170 710 1120 170 1110 1720
7 190 810 1320 190 1310 2120

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
4-4      4 420 590 880 620 790 1080
5 450 690 1080 650 990 1480
6 480 790 1280 680 1190 1880
7 510 890 1480 710 1390 2280

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
4NT         4 430 610 920 630 810 1120
5 460 710 1120 660 1010 1520
6 490 810 1320 690 1210 1920
7 520 910 1520 720 1410 2320

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
5-5      5 400 550 800 600 750 1000
6 420 850 1000 620 950 1400
7 440 750 1200 640 1150 1800

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
5-5      5 450 650 1000 650 850 1200
6 480 750 1200 680 1150 1600
7 510 850 1400 710 1250 2000

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
5NT          5 460 670 1040 660 870 1240
6 490 770 1240 690 1070 1640
7 520 870 1440 720 1270 2040

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
6-6      6 920 1090 1380 1370 1540 1830
7 940 1190 1580 1390 1740 2230

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
6-6      6 980 1210 1620 1430 1660 2070
7 1010 1310 1820 1460 1860 2470

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
6NT         6 990 1230 1660 1440 1680 2110
7 1020 1330 1860 1470 1880 2510

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
7-7      7 1440 1630 1960 2140 2330 2660

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
7-7      7 1510 1770 2240 2210 2470 2940

Bid      Made      Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled                        Undoubled      Doubled      Redoubled     
7NT         7 1520 1790 2280 2220 2490 2980



Defeated contracts

Not Vulnerable


Each Trick Light          Undoubled     Doubled 'X' Redoubled 'XX'                      Undoubled     Doubled 'X'     Redoubled 'XX'    
1 50 100 200 100 200 400
2 100 300 600 200 500 1000
3 150 500 1000 300 800 1600
4 200 800 1600 400 1100 2200
5 250 1100 2200 500 1400 2800
6 300 1400 2800 600 1700 3400
7 350 1700 3400 700 2000 4000
8 400 2000 4000 800 2300 4600
9 450 2300 4600 900 2600 5200
10 500 2600 5200 1000 2900 5800
11 550 2900 5800 1100 3200 6400
12 600 3200 6400 1200 3500 7000
13 650 3500 7000 1300 3800 7600

Calculation of Undertrick Points
Penalty       Not Vulnerable       Vulnerable
Each undertrick     50     100
Doubled 1st trick light     100     200
Doubled 2nd, 3rd tricks light     200     300
Doubled 4th and subsequent tricks light     300     300