Overcalling With Stronger Hands and at the 2 Level
The criteria for two-level overcalls are significantly more. Points are not crucial but because It is far more difficult for everyone to bid at this level you need a better (ie. longer and stronger) suit since you must be concerned about getting left in your bid, possibly even doubled especially if you are vulnerable.
Guidelines for Overcalling at the Two Level
Suit Length | Overcall at the Two Level |
5 cards | Avoid weak five-card suits. If you overcall with a 5 card suit at this level your suit should be headed by at least two of the honor cards |
6 cards | Your suit may be quite weak when not vulnerable. Unless your hand is very strongOpeners strong hand contains 17+ points Responders strong hand contains 16+ points In NoTrump its high card points In a suit its total points (with distribution points), have at least two honorsSometimes known as face cards or honours , each is worth high card points. They are: the Ace (A) = 4 HCP the King (K) = 3 HCP the Queen (Q) = 2 HCP the Jack (J) = 1 HCP and the Ten (10 or T) in each suit The 10 and 9 card in any suit are k... especially when vulnerable |
Up to 5 card suits but lots of points (13+) and a shortage in Opponents Suit | Make a takeout double “X” |
Instant Progress Quiz – Check all correct answers
Holding this hand, what do you bid when the opposition Open the Bidding 1♠
- ♠ A 6
- ♥ K Q T 6
- ♦ A K
- ♣ K J 6 4 3
Answer: Make a Takeout Double “X.” If you overcall 2C your partner will think you have a long suitIs the suit with the greatest number of cards in a hand.
This term is not usually used on a suit with fewer than five cards. and 8-10 points.
Extra for Experts
A different game on the same subject as this lesson, with questions for community discussion in the comments area below.