Plain Sailing Introduction
004 - High Card Points
005 - Long Suit Distribution Points
006 - Short Suit Distribution Points
010 - The Ranking of Bridge Bids
012 - The Minor Suits
011 - The Major Suits
003 - Tricks To Make Your Bid
014 - Quiz 1 Hand Evaluation
008 - Trump Suits
009 - No Trumps
000 - How to make your contract
002 - Definition of Terms
105 - Vulnerability
401 - Defensive Bids Overcalls and Doubles
406 - Overcalling 1NT
402 - Overcalling With Stronger Hands
629 - Opening Leads - Overview
000 – How to make your contract
You get points if you make your contract otherwise your opponents get points
Bridge is a trick-taking game and is a card game in which playing the trick is based on 13 rounds of play, each called tricks, which has a winner or “taker” of that trick. When all cards have been played, the number of the tricksA round of 4 cards where each player contributes 1 card. There are 13 tricks in a game of bridge. More won by each pair is counted for scoring. The winner of a trick is the one who plays the highest-ranked card of the suit led, unless another player has trumped (ruffed) it.
Calculating tricks needed to make game
When a partnership win an auction, to get a positive score they need to get the ‘book’ (a term which refers to the first six tricks) plus the extra number of tricks that they have committed to, through their biddingThis term is also called the ‘auction.’ In each online deal, a player is the nominated as the dealer -this title rotates each new game. The dealer is the player who starts the bidding even if its a pass. Players take their turn at bidding in turn and in order … More. The first six ‘book’ tricks must be won and are not counted in the score, its only the extra tricks above the ‘book’ that are used to calculate the score. The higher your contractThe final suit and level of bidding sets the number of tricks and the trump suit for the game.This is called the contract. The partnership that wins the bidding can earn the points if they succeed in getting the number of tricks they contracted.
The number … More has been bid, the higher your score but also, the more points you and your partner should have. This is the reason for bidding rules as each bid has very specific information about the distributionThis refers to how cards in a suit are shared between the four players in a bridge game. More of cards and the points in your hand.
Table of Tricks Needed for each Bid
A contract at the 1-level means the declarerThe player who during the auction made the first bid the SUIT of the final contract, becomes the declarer. The also play their partners hand which is now renamed ‘dummy.’
Declarer plays both their own and dummy’s hand. More (player) must win at least 7 tricks (that is, the bookThe basic six tricks that must be won by the declaring side. The first six “book” tricks are always presumed and are not accounted for in either the bidding or scoring. This means that a contract at the 1-level commits declarer to take at least 7 (that is, 6 +… More = 6 + 1) tricks. Extra points are awarded only for the extra tricks above the book
Final Bid | Tricks to Make your Contract | |||||
1♣ | 1♦ | 1♥ | 1♠ | or | 1NTThis bid in the opening position usually indicates that the bidder has a balanced distribution of suits however with some unbalanced hands you will respond 1NT just to keep the bidding low The distribution of suits in the hand can be in either of the three fol... More (NoTrump) | the book + 1 level bidding = 7 tricks |
2♣ | 2♦ | 2♥ | 2♠ | or | 2NTThis bid indicates that the bidder has a balanced distribution of suits and a very specific number of High Card Points. The suit distribution of the hand can be in either of the following three patterns5, 3, 3, 2 In any order or 4, 3, 3, 3 In any order... More |
the book + 2 level bidding = 7 tricks |
3♣ | 3♦ | 3♥ | 3♠ | or | 3NTThis if its bid in the opening position means the opener has 25+ points and a balanced hand. As a sign off bid it means game in No Trumps. The bid means you have contracted to win at least 9 tricks with no trump suit. The leading or first card played det... More |
the book + 3 level bidding = 8 tricks |
4♣ | 4♦ | 4♥ | 4♠ | or | 4NT | the book + 3 level bidding = 9 tricks |
5♣ | 5♦ | 5♥ | 5♠ | or | 5NT | the book + 4 level bidding = 10 tricks |
6♣ | 6♦ | 6♥ | 6♠ | or | 6NT | the book + 5 level bidding = 11 tricks |
7♣ | 7♦ | 7♥ | 7♠ | or | 7NT | the book + 5 level bidding = 11 tricks |
Usage – A card in the trump suit whose trick-taking power is greater than any other suit card.
In bridge the trump suit is determined by highest bid that wins the contra… More. NotrumpA bid to play a hand without a trump suit where the highest card played to the suit first led to the trick – wins. This bid is peculiar to Bridge More is the highest-ranking bid at each level.