Lesson 11 of 17
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000 – How to make your contract

You get points if you make your contract otherwise your opponents get points

Bridge is a trick-taking game and is a card game in which playing the trick is based on 13 rounds of play, each called tricks, which has a winner or “taker” of that trick. When all cards have been played, the number  of the tricks won by each pair is counted for scoring. The winner of a trick is the one who plays the highest-ranked card of the suit led, unless another player has trumped (ruffed) it.

Calculating tricks needed to make game

When a partnership win an auction, to get a positive score they need to get the ‘book’ (a term which refers to the first six tricks) plus the extra number of tricks that they have committed to, through their bidding. The first six ‘book’ tricks must be won and are not counted in the score, its only the extra tricks above the ‘book’ that are used to calculate the score. The higher your contract has been bid, the higher your score but also, the more points you and your partner should have. This is the reason for bidding rules as each bid has very specific information about the distribution of cards and the points in your hand.

Table of Tricks Needed for each Bid

A contract at the 1-level means the declarer (player) must win at least 7 tricks (that is, the book = 6 + 1) tricks. Extra points are awarded only for the extra tricks above the book

Final Bid Tricks to Make your Contract
1 1 1 1 or 1NT (NoTrump) the book + 1 level bidding = 7 tricks
2 2 2 2 or 2NT the book + 2 level bidding = 7 tricks
3 3 3 3 or 3NT the book + 3 level bidding = 8 tricks
4 4 4 4 or 4NT the book + 3 level bidding = 9 tricks
5 5 5 5 or 5NT the book + 4 level bidding = 10 tricks
6 6 6 6 or 6NT the book + 5 level bidding = 11 tricks
7 7 7 7 or 7NT the book + 5 level bidding = 11 tricks


The basic six tricks that must be taken by the declaring side(winners of the auction). The first six “book” tricks are always assumed and are not taken into account in bidding or scoring. For example a contract at the 1 level commits declarer to take at least 7 (that is, the book 6 + 1) tricks, and provides trick points only for the trick above book. (Noun) The number of tricks that the defensive side must take so as to hold declarer to his contract. If the contract is 4♠, defenders’ book is 3.
The number of tricks that the defensive side must take so as to hold declarer to his contract. If the contract is 4♠, defenders’ book is 3.
A set of four cards one played by each player in turn, during the play of a game.
A contract, or a bid that names a contract without a trump suit. Notrump is the highest-ranking bid at each level.

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The Acol Bidding System

*If you live in the UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand Acol is the most widespread system Acol has the following characteristics:
  • It is a natural system: most opening bids, responses and rebids are made with at least 4 cards in the suit bid, and most no trump bids are made with balanced hands.
  • It is a four-card major system: only four-card suits are required to open 1 or 1, unlike Standard American and many other systems where five-card suits are typically required.
  • It makes extensive use of limit bids: limit bids describe the hand so closely, in terms of high card points (HCP) and shape, that the one who makes the limit bid is expected to pass on the next round, unless partner makes a forcing bid.
  • Understanding and correct use of limit bids and forcing bids is fundamental to applying the system: all no trump bids below the level of 4NT are limit bids, as are all suit bids that merely repeat a suit already bid by the partnership; changes of suit may be forcing or not depending on the approach bids.
  • The level of the 1NT opening bid influences other bids: the normal choice is between a “weak no trump” (12–14 HCP) and a “strong no trump” (15–17 HCP).
  • All 1 of a suit opening bids then promise at least 4 cards in the bid suit
  • Notrump follow-up conventions include Stayman, Jacoby transfers Blackwood and Gerber Convention.