1NT Overcall
When the opponents open one of a suit and you overcall 1NT, you show a balanced hand with
the strength of a strong 1NT. The normal range for a 1NT opening is 12-14 Acol or 15-17 Standard American. The
overcall can be stronger up to 18 points
The Direct 1NT Overcall
A direct overcall of 1NT is similar to an opening bid of 1NT: One small difference is that the upper limit is a little higher, 18 points. That’s because it’s more dangerous to overcall 1NT than to open 1NT. Our left-hand opponent is in a better position to make a penalty double if the auction belongs to their side. The opening bid has both shown the opposition has points and given an indication of the best opening lead. So we’d like a little extra points to bid. The other difference from the 1NT opening bid is that we need one or more stoppers—high cards and length—in their suit(s).This is because our left-hand opponent now has a good idea what to lead, especially if the opening bid is in a major, promising five or more cards
- A balanced handThis term refers to the count of cards in the four suits in your hand. Any of the following three patterns is considered a balanced hand.
5, 3, 3, 2 In any suit order
4, 3, 3, 3 In any suit order
4, 4, 3, 2 In any suit order More - 15- 18 HCPHigh Card Points (HCP) Honour cards (the Ace (A) the King (K) the Queen (Q) the Jack (J) and the Ten (10) in each suit, each of these cards is has a different points value called HCP = High Card Points. There are a total of 40 points in the entire pack of card... More
- StoppersA holding that prevents an opponent from taking a trick or tricks. A high card winner that can capture the lead and stop the other side from cashing tricks in that suit More in opposition suit
Direct Position 1NT Overcall
1NT in the Balancing Position
When the opponent on the left opens the biddingThis term is also called the 'auction.' In each online deal, a player is the nominated as the dealer -this title rotates each new game. The dealer is the player who starts the bidding even if its a pass. Players take their turn at bidding in turn and in order ... More and the next two players have passed, we are in the balancing positionThis term refers to a players position after the opening bid has been made.A player is in the balancing seat when if he was to pass, the auction would be finished More. If we pass, the auction is over. In this position, it’s usual to compete with 3 points—less than you would in the direct positionA player is in the direct seat (or direct position ) when your right hand opponent has made a bid of some type and you have the next turn to bid but there are still three passes to be made before the auction is finished More.
A 1NT ibid n the balancing position shows 12 -15 points. When in the balancing position you can overcall 1NT with less points than if you were in the direct position.
With a hand unsuitable for a suit overcall or a takeout double you should make a balancing 1NT bid, hoping that partner will have some points since the left hand opponent did not open strongOpeners strong hand contains 17+ points Responders strong hand contains 16+ points In NoTrump its high card points In a suit its total points (with distribution points) More and the right hand opponent didn’t have enough points to reply.
With a stronger hand in the balancing position start bidding with a takeout double and then go to No TrumpsA suit of cards with the highest ranking over the other suits in a particular hand
Noun usage - A card in the trump suit whose trick-taking power is greater than any other suit card.
Verb usage - To play a trump after a plain suit has been led or otherwi... More
- A balanced hand
- 12 – 15 HCP
- Stoppers in opposition suit
1NT Overcall in the Balancing Position
West opens the bidding 1C and East Responds 1D – What should you Bid?
- ♠ K 4
- ♥ K 9 8
- ♦ A K 6 5 2
- ♣ Q J 6
Overcall 1NT – you have stoppers in diamonds and clubs and 16 HCP
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You can make 10 tricks. Before leading diamonds, play the 9-C which is good.
At start of bidding East is supposed to open, in the bidding box South is the first to open so not a 1NT overcall
Thank you Lesley for your feedback. It’s fixed now.