Lesson 1 of 20
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629 – Opening Leads – Overview


Opening Leads

When you are on defense there are several ways (called systems) you can communicate with your partner. Of course you can only communicate using the cards you put down, your partner needs to watch carefully and try to watch for your signals. These lessons cover a few of the more commonly used systems and are intended as general guides for players and are not intended to be rigid failsafe rules.


The opening lead is card first played after the contract has been bid. The player sitting to the left  of the declarer is the one who has the responsibility of choosing both the correct suit and the correct card in that suit. The purpose of opening lead ‘suggestions’ are to help defenders mount the strongest possible attack on the contract of  declarer.

Opening Lead Suggestions

Your opening lead decision differs depending on whether the final contract is in No Trumps or in a suit. Review the auction and try to avoid leading a  suit that the opposition have bid as you may be giving them a ‘free’ trick. It is considered very good form to lead partner’s suit if they have bid one.

General Principles for Opening Leads

  • lead low from three rags with a single honor (Q or J )
  • lead the middle from three small cards; (known as MUD playing cards in order of middle – up – down) 
  • lead the suit that is strong for the next player towards weakness in the last person to play
  • lead suits that the player bidding after you has bid – where they have strength, if there are weaknesses in their suit maybe your partner can win with a low honor card
  • lead trumps if any other other suit leads will help declare get a ruff and discard
  • don’t lead away (by leading a low card) when you have an Ace or King sometimes its unavoidable but try not to 
  • do lead unbid major suits – especially if the opposition are in a minor suit contract.
  • do lead to remove declarer’s entries (high cards) from dummy.
  • lead the suits that dummy bid to get them won before declarer cross trumps

Leading to the Second Trick

Once the opening lead has been made and dummy has been tabled, both of the defenders will have more information. When your partner has led, the first question you should ask is, “What does partner’s lead tell me?” If you have won the first trick, you must decide whether to return partner’s lead or change suits.

Your Opposition are in a 2C Contract

You are making the opening lead. Review the bidding and decide what card to lead

  • 4 3
  • A T 9 7 5 3 2
  • 8
  • A T 3

Did you choose the 8D partners suit? Or did you choose your own suit and play the AH or the 7H?


  1. I bid 3 hearts and opener bid 4 hearts.I made 11 tricks.Passing after 1 OC of 2 clubs is underbidding as far as i am concerned.With 7 Hearts and 8 HCP with a singleton,one should not pass 2 clubs

  2. Why does the bidding engine tell South to pass with 8 points and 7 hearts? When this hand is played in hearts it wins 11 tricks – a much better result than 200 points!

The Acol Bidding System

*If you live in the UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand Acol is the most widespread system Acol has the following characteristics:
  • It is a natural system: most opening bids, responses and rebids are made with at least 4 cards in the suit bid, and most no trump bids are made with balanced hands.
  • It is a four-card major system: only four-card suits are required to open 1 or 1, unlike Standard American and many other systems where five-card suits are typically required.
  • It makes extensive use of limit bids: limit bids describe the hand so closely, in terms of high card points (HCP) and shape, that the one who makes the limit bid is expected to pass on the next round, unless partner makes a forcing bid.
  • Understanding and correct use of limit bids and forcing bids is fundamental to applying the system: all no trump bids below the level of 4NT are limit bids, as are all suit bids that merely repeat a suit already bid by the partnership; changes of suit may be forcing or not depending on the approach bids.
  • The level of the 1NT opening bid influences other bids: the normal choice is between a “weak no trump” (12–14 HCP) and a “strong no trump” (15–17 HCP).
  • All 1 of a suit opening bids then promise at least 4 cards in the bid suit
  • Notrump follow-up conventions include Stayman, Jacoby transfers Blackwood and Gerber Convention.