Learn to Play Bridge Online
Here, you can learn to play Bridge completely online. 60 SecondBridge is
designed to give Beginners, Junior and Intermediate level Bridge players a learning and playing environment that includes
practice hands and interactive lessons on bidding and playing. You’ll also find
hundreds of Bridge hands (with expert commentary) to play, daily
competitions to take part in, and self-assessment Bridge quizzes.
New to Bridge? – Start with the Beginner Lessons
A series of short Bridge lessons designed for absolute newcomers. The lessons cover Bridge terms, minor suits, major suits, trumpA suit of cards with the highest ranking over the other suits in a particular handNoun usage - A card in the trump suit whose trick-taking power is greater than any other suit card.
Verb usage - To play a trump after a plain suit has been led or otherwi... More contracts, notrumpA bid to play a hand without a trump suit where the highest card played to the suit first led to the trick - wins. This bid is peculiar to Bridge More contracts, and hand evaluation. You will also be introduced to the online Bridge game which includes hints you can use to assist you with biddingThis term is also called the 'auction.' In each online deal, a player is the nominated as the dealer -this title rotates each new game. The dealer is the player who starts the bidding even if its a pass. Players take their turn at bidding in turn and in order ... More. Most lessons includes practice games and many include full commentary on bidding and play.
Standard American or Acol Bidding Lessons
After learning the basics of Bridge, you will then complete a series of Lessons with practice hands to play (there are more practice hands on our ‘Hand of the Day’ pages). After completing your beginner lessons, you’ll move onto bidding lessons. These lessons are divided into Standard AmericanA bidding system and it is an acronym for 'Standard American Yellow Card' which is the system most North American Players use. Also known as Five Card Majors or Goren by other players. More or Acol’.NOTE: If you live in the UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand, we recommend you start learning AcolThis is the bidding system that is more popular in the UK, Europe and Australasia. ACOL is according to The Official Encyclopedia of Bridge - "standard in British tournament play and widely used in other parts of the world". Largely a natural bidding system us... More as that is the standard Bidding System in those countries. Other countries should choose the Standard American lessons.
By the end of this series of lessons, you will be able to bid, understand
your partner’s bids and play Bridge on the computer.
After learning Standard American or Acol bidding, you can then move on to more advanced lessons:
On Defense – Bidding & Play Lessons
Competitive bidding When you find yourself on defense there are many bids still available to you. Standard American or Acol competitive bids are the same and are system independent.Defensive Play lessons for when you are the opposition and want to attack the opponent’s contractThe final suit and level of bidding sets the number of tricks and the trump suit for the game.This is called the contract. The partnership that wins the bidding can earn the points if they succeed in getting the number of tricks they contracted.
The number ... More and take the contract light for points for your side.
Declarer & Dummy Card Play Lessons
DeclarerThe player who during the auction made the first bid the SUIT of the final contract, becomes the declarer. The also play their partners hand which is now renamed 'dummy.'Declarer plays both their own and dummy's hand. More Play for when you have won the contract and need to play your hand; There are practise hands with hints and guidance about planning your play.
After completing the above series of lessons you will be able to play Bridge!
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I bid 5 diamonds and made it no problem. It took me a couple times playing it to make it in 3 NT. Would bidding 5 diamonds be a bad move?
All four suits have to be developed – by driving out AS, KH, AC and KD. AC is taken care of by the first lead in Clubs which brings out AC. How is one to decide which of the other suits should be established first. I tried doing it with Hearts but could not make the contract. Is there any guideline or thumbrule to decide?
Thanks for the feedback.
Without the advise I would have ended in 4 spades
Thank you for your feedback Phil, this is now corrected.