The Rank of Suits in a Bridge Game
During the bidding of a hand of bridge, players can’t make a bid
unless their bid is higher than the previous bid. When you play Bridge, two factors determine
whether your bid is legal – the suit you’re bidding and how many tricks you’re bidding for in that suit.
- ♠Spades
- ♥Hearts
- ♦Diamonds
- ♣Clubs
The suits are listed above in descending order:NoTrump (NT) is the highest, but is not a suit: Spades is the highest ranking suit in Bridge, followed by hearts, then by diamonds, and the lowest ranking suit is clubs
The importance of suit rank is to do with winning the biddingThis term is also called the 'auction.' In each online deal, a player is the nominated as the dealer -this title rotates each new game. The dealer is the player who starts the bidding even if its a pass. Players take their turn at bidding in turn and in order ... More for a contractThe final suit and level of bidding sets the number of tricks and the trump suit for the game.This is called the contract. The partnership that wins the bidding can earn the points if they succeed in getting the number of tricks they contracted.
The number ... More and it is used to decide which bids take precedence over others. Succeeding bids must be at a higher level . Spades is the highest ranking suit followed by Hearts next Diamonds and the lowest ranked suit is Clubs.
All bids after the opening bid have to be of a higher ranking suit, or a higher level. For example, a bid of 1 Club (1C) is superseded by a bid of 1 Diamond (1D) or 1 Heart (1H) or 1 Spade (1S) or 1 No TrumpA suit of cards with the highest ranking over the other suits in a particular hand
Noun usage - A card in the trump suit whose trick-taking power is greater than any other suit card.
Verb usage - To play a trump after a plain suit has been led or otherwi... More (1NTThis bid in the opening position usually indicates that the bidder has a balanced distribution of suits however with some unbalanced hands you will respond 1NT just to keep the bidding low The distribution of suits in the hand can be in either of the three fol... More); equally, a bid of 2D is superseded by 2H or 2S or 2NTThis bid indicates that the bidder has a balanced distribution of suits and a very specific number of High Card Points. The suit distribution of the hand can be in either of the following three patterns5, 3, 3, 2 In any order
4, 3, 3, 3 In any order... More; and so on. 2C is higher than 1H: a lower ranking suit has to be bid at a higher level. The auction ends after 3 passes (you cannot re-enter the bidding)
To bid a minor suitDiamonds and the club suit are the minor suits, often referred to as 'the minors' More you should have at least four cards in that suit, to rebid it you need five cards.
The number ... More and it is used to decide which bids take precedence over others. Succeeding bids must be at a higher level . Spades is the highest ranking suit followed by Hearts next Diamonds and the lowest ranked suit is Clubs.
All bids after the opening bid have to be of a higher ranking suit, or a higher level. For example, a bid of 1 Club (1C) is superseded by a bid of 1 Diamond (1D) or 1 Heart (1H) or 1 Spade (1S) or 1 No TrumpA suit of cards with the highest ranking over the other suits in a particular hand
Noun usage - A card in the trump suit whose trick-taking power is greater than any other suit card.
Verb usage - To play a trump after a plain suit has been led or otherwi... More (1NTThis bid in the opening position usually indicates that the bidder has a balanced distribution of suits however with some unbalanced hands you will respond 1NT just to keep the bidding low The distribution of suits in the hand can be in either of the three fol... More); equally, a bid of 2D is superseded by 2H or 2S or 2NTThis bid indicates that the bidder has a balanced distribution of suits and a very specific number of High Card Points. The suit distribution of the hand can be in either of the following three patterns5, 3, 3, 2 In any order
4, 3, 3, 3 In any order... More; and so on. 2C is higher than 1H: a lower ranking suit has to be bid at a higher level. The auction ends after 3 passes (you cannot re-enter the bidding)
To bid a minor suitDiamonds and the club suit are the minor suits, often referred to as 'the minors' More you should have at least four cards in that suit, to rebid it you need five cards.
Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts | Spades | NoTrumpA bid to play a hand without a trump suit where the highest card played to the suit first led to the trick - wins. This bid is peculiar to Bridge More |
1C Lowest Bid |
1D | 1H | 1S | 1NT Highest 1 level bid |
2C | 2D | 2H | 2S | 2NT |
3C | 3D | 3H | 3S | 3NTThis if its bid in the opening position means the opener has 25+ points and a balanced hand. As a sign off bid it means game in No Trumps. The bid means you have contracted to win at least 9 tricks with no trump suit. The leading or first card played det... More |
4C | 4D | 4H | 4S | 4NT |
5C | 5D | 5H | 5S | 5NT |
6C | 6D | 6H | 6S | 6NT |
7C | 7D | 7H | 7S | 7NT Highest Bid |
Table 1. The rank order of Bridge suits , The lowest bid 1C is on the left top corner
across to the highest bid at the 1 level, then down to 2C with the highest bid
being 7NT in the right hand bottom corner
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I wasn’t sure whether I was supposed to ask for Aces. Made a Grand Slam in Hearts, but would have been better in NT
Grand Slam. 7NT
What is Ace asked?
Definitely should be asking for aces.
You can make 6 hearts with this hand, but the lesson doesn’t show how to bid to 6 hearts.