Bridge For Beginners
001 - Introduction
015 - Bridge Game - An Overview
017 - Play Your Second Bridge Game With Us
018 - How to Place a Bid
016 - Features in Our Bridge Lessons
002 - Definition of Terms
003 - Tricks To Make Your Bid
004 - High Card Points
005 - Long Suit Distribution Points
006 - Short Suit Distribution Points
007 - Total Points (TP)
008 - Trump Suits
009 - No Trumps
010 - The Ranking of Bridge Bids
011 - The Major Suits
012 - The Minor Suits
013 - Playing Bridge On Our Computer Game
014 - Quiz 1 Hand Evaluation
019 - The 'Play' Phase of a Bridge Game
019 – The ‘Play’ Phase of a Bridge Game
"The Play"
After the bidding is finished, the players enter the second phase of the game called “The Play.” This phase consists of 13 rounds where each player plays one card in a clockwise order.
The opening lead
The player who plays the first card is one of the opponents who did not win the “auction” (the biddingThis term is also called the ‘auction.’ In each online deal, a player is the nominated as the dealer -this title rotates each new game. The dealer is the player who starts the bidding even if its a pass. Players take their turn at bidding in turn and in order … More). Each pair aims to win as many rounds as possible.
The pair who won the auction are called the “Declarer” and “Dummy,” while the other pair are called the opponents or the opposition.
The aim of the DeclarerThe player who during the auction made the first bid the SUIT of the final contract, becomes the declarer. The also play their partners hand which is now renamed ‘dummy.’
Declarer plays both their own and dummy’s hand. More is, at a minimum, to win the number of rounds they estimated during the bidding. The opposition tries to stop the Declarer from achieving this goal.
In Bridge, a round where each player plays one card is called a “trick,” so we will be referring to them as “tricks” from now on.
In the “Play” phase, you must follow suit if you can. If you cannot follow suit, then play a low-value card of another suit.
Watch this game and then play it later
*Audio- turn your sound on to hear commentary
Instant Progress Quiz - Select the correct answer
Exercise: Your contract is 3NT and North is declarer
North’s Hand – Declarer in this Game
- ♠ A J
- ♥ A K 7 5
- ♦ J 5 2
- ♣ Q T 2
South’s Hand – DummyThe declarer’s partner is called the dummy, and after the opening lead has been made by the opposition dummy lays all their cards on the table face up.
That is the end of this game for dummy and they have no more to play in this game.
Declarer now plays … More laid on the table for this game
- ♠ K T 8 5
- ♥ T 4 3
- ♦ T 8 3
- ♣ K 3
Answer: East leads KD next to play is Dummy, then West and finally North
Play a Game of Bridge
- Your partner opens 1C
- You bid 1D
- Partner bids 1S
- You bid 3NTThis if its bid in the opening position means the opener has 25+ points and a balanced hand. As a sign off bid it means game in No Trumps.
The bid means you have contracted to win at least 9 tricks with no trump suit.
The leading or first card played det… More - Three consecutive passes and the bidding is finished
To summarise the rules you learned in the previous lessons:
- The game is divided into two phases – ‘Bidding’ and ‘Play’
- You don’t know the bidding rules yet, so in the ‘Bidding’ phase use the ? on the bidding table to display the suggested bid
- Then click the suggested bid on the bidding pad and it will appear on the bidding table
- Bidding ends when 3 players in a row choose to Pass (p)
- In the ‘Play’ phase, you must follow suit eg. if the first card in a round is a diamond then you must play a diamond if you can
- If you can’t follow suit then play a low card from another suit
refers to the playing of the cards part of the game
this is the player who has won the auction and whose partnership has made the highest bid, they get to play their own hand plus their partners hand
after winning the contractThe final suit and level of bidding sets the number of tricks and the trump suit for the game.This is called the contract. The partnership that wins the bidding can earn the points if they succeed in getting the number of tricks they contracted.
The number … More this player participates in the bidding with partner but when the card playing happens they put their cards face up on the table and their partner gets to play them
the partnership that don’t win the auction and whose job it is is to try and win as many tricks from declarer as possible
when individual players are entering bids into the bidding pad on the table
is the first card played to a game and it is always the opposition who lost the auction who have this opportunity