The Trump Squeeze — a powerful tactic that capitalizes on the use of trumpsA suit of cards with the highest ranking over the other suits in a particular hand
Noun usage - A card in the trump suit whose trick-taking power is greater than any other suit card.
Verb usage - To play a trump after a plain suit has been led or otherwi... to execute a squeeze play. What is a Trump Squeeze?
The Trump Squeeze is a maneuver in bridge that utilizes the trump suitThe suit of cards with the highest ranking over the other suits in a particular hand
Usage - A card in the trump suit whose trick-taking power is greater than any other suit card.
In bridge the trump suit is determined by highest bid that wins the contra... to force opponents to make difficult discards, leading to a favorable outcome. By carefully managing the timing and play of trumps, declarerThe player who during the auction made the first bid the SUIT of the final contract, becomes the declarer. The also play their partners hand which is now renamed 'dummy.'
Declarer plays both their own and dummy's hand. can create a squeeze position, forcing the opponents into a squeeze predicament.
Step 1: Identify the Key Suits and Trump Suit
To execute a Trump Squeeze, you need to identify two key suits and determine which suit will serve as the trump suit. The trump suit will be crucial in executing the squeeze play.
Declarer: ♠ A K J 7 6 ♥ – ♦ Q 9 8 7 ♣ 10 9 8
DummyThe declarer's partner is called the dummy, and after the opening lead has been made by the opposition dummy lays all their cards on the table face up.
That is the end of this game for dummy and they have no more to play in this game.
Declarer now plays ...: ♠ – ♥ K Q J 10 ♦ 10 6 5 ♣ A K Q J 7 6
Defenders: ♠ Q 10 9 8 3 2 ♥ A K 9 7 5 4 3 ♦ 4 ♣ 4 3 2
In this example, let’s consider hearts as the trump suit, with spades and diamonds as the key suits.
Step 2: Establish Entry Cards and Threat Suits
To set up the Trump Squeeze, ensure you have entry cards to reach the opponents’ hands and establish threat suits that will put pressure on them. Entry cards are typically high cards or winnersA card that will win the trick after four cards have been played to the trick.
Declarer leads a low spade from their hand, playing low spades from dummy. The defenders follow suit and discard. Observe their discards carefully, as they may provide insights into their holdings and potential vulnerabilities.
Step 3: Maintain Control in the Trump Suit
To execute a successful Trump Squeeze, declarer must maintain control in the trump suit. Preserve trump cards and create opportunities to regain the lead.
Declarer wins the spade trick with the ♠A and plays a low heart from their hand. Dummy’s ♥K wins the trick, establishing control in the trump suit. The defenders discard accordingly.
Step 4: Set Up the Squeeze Position
With control in the trump suit, it’s time to set up the squeeze position. Continue playing cards from the threat suits, ensuring you maintain entry cards and establish pressure on the opponents.
Declarer plays the ♠K from their hand, while dummy’s ♥Q wins the trick. The defenders discard as before, and the squeeze position begins to take shape.
Step 5: Execute the Trump Squeeze
Now that the squeeze position is established, it’s time to execute the Trump Squeeze. By playing trumps, you force the opponents to make difficult choices while maintaining the ability to reach the squeeze position.
Declarer plays a high heart from dummy, while the defenders discard. DefenderThis term refers to the pair who did not win the auction/bidding The defender to the left of declarer is the player who plays the first card in a game A, caught in the squeeze, discards a low club. Defender B, feeling the pressure, discards a high diamond.
Step 6: Reap the Rewards
Having executed the Trump Squeeze, declarer can now reap the rewards. By leveraging the power of trumps and applying pressure on the opponents, additional tricksA round of 4 cards where each player contributes 1 card. There are 13 tricks in a game of bridge. may be won, securing a significant advantage.
Remember, the Trump Squeeze requires careful management of trumps, maintaining control in the trump suit, and timing the play of threat suits. With practice, you will refine your ability to recognize squeeze opportunities and execute them successfully.