Welcom to the intriguing world of the Double Squeeze — a sophisticated and powerful technique that requires advanced skills, deep analysis, and precise execution. Prepare yourselves for a strategic adventure where you aim to squeeze not one, but two defenders simultaneously. Let’s delve into the intricacies of the Double Squeeze with examples to illuminate its essence.
What is a Double Squeeze?
A Double Squeeze is a high-level squeeze play in bridge where declarerThe player who during the auction made the first bid the SUIT of the final contract, becomes the declarer. The also play their partners hand which is now renamed 'dummy.'
Declarer plays both their own and dummy's hand. exerts pressure on both defenders, forcing them to discard vital cards from different suits simultaneously. By coordinating threats in two separate suits, declarer creates an irresistible dilemma for the defenders, leading to a favorable outcome.
Step 1: Identify the Key Suits and Entries
To execute a Double Squeeze, you need two long suits in your hand, each with the potential for extra tricksA round of 4 cards where each player contributes 1 card. There are 13 tricks in a game of bridge.. It is crucial to have enough entries to reach both suits multiple times throughout the play. Careful planning and accurate counting of the cards are essential.
Declarer: ♠ A K J 7 6 ♥ – ♦ Q 9 8 7 ♣ 10 9 8
DummyThe declarer's partner is called the dummy, and after the opening lead has been made by the opposition dummy lays all their cards on the table face up.
That is the end of this game for dummy and they have no more to play in this game.
Declarer now plays ...: ♠ – ♥ 4 3 2 ♦ 10 6 5 ♣ A K Q J 7 6
Defenders: ♠ Q 10 9 8 3 2 ♥ A K 9 7 5 4 3 ♦ 4 ♣ 4 3 2
In this example, declarer’s target suits are diamonds and clubs. The spade suit is also important for establishing entry paths.
Step 2: Set Up the First Threat Suit
To initiate the Double Squeeze, declarer must establish the first threat suit, putting pressure on the defenders and forcing them to discard from that suit. Timing is crucial to maintain control and ensure entries to reach both suits.
Declarer starts by leading a low diamond from their hand and playing low diamonds from dummy. The defenders must discard. Pay close attention to their discards, as they may provide valuable insights into their holdings in other suits.
Step 3: Observe the Defenders’ Discards
Analyzing the defenders’ discards is vital in planning your Double Squeeze. Look for clues about their holdings and potential vulnerabilities in the other suit you aim to exploit.
DefenderThis term refers to the pair who did not win the auction/bidding The defender to the left of declarer is the player who plays the first card in a game A discards a low heart, indicating potential weakness in that suit. Defender B discards a low club, suggesting they hold higher cards in that suit.
Step 4: Establish the Second Threat Suit
With the first threat suit established, declarer now focuses on the second suit. Maintain control, create entry paths, and force discards from the defenders in the second suit.
Declarer plays high clubs from dummy while the defenders discard. Defender A discards another low heart, confirming their weakness. Defender B discards a high club, revealing their critical holding in that suit.
Step 5: Execute the Double Squeeze
Now that both threat suits have been established and the defenders have disclosed their vulnerabilities, it’s time to execute the Double Squeeze. By continuing to play cards from both suits, declarer forces the defenders into an inescapable dilemma, compelling them to discard critical cards from both suits simultaneously.
Declarer plays a high diamond from their hand, while Defender A discards a low club and Defender B discards a high heart. The Double Squeeze is now in motion, as both defenders find themselves squeezed in different suits.
Step 6: Reap the Rewards
Having executed the Double Squeeze, declarer can now reap the rewards. With the defenders stripped of their vital cards in both threat suits, declarer can potentially win extra tricks and secure victory.
Remember, the Double Squeeze requires advanced skills, meticulous planning, and accurate reading of the opponents’ discards. It is an intricate maneuver that can turn the tide of a bridge hand, but it demands experience, patience, and a keen understanding of the cards’ interplay.
Continuously hone your bridge expertise, practice analyzing card positions, and develop your ability to foresee potential squeeze opportunities. The Double Squeeze is a remarkable technique that can elevate your game to new heights.