Odd – Even Roman Discard System
A discard system is a system where any card that you follow suit with which will not win the trickA round of 4 cards where each player contributes 1 card. There are 13 tricks in a game of bridge. More is known as a discard.
The method or order in which you discard these cards signals to your partner what you like or dislike in a suit (attitude)This value of the card, whether it is an odd or even card either encourages or discourages that suit.
Basic Premise
To signal which side suit you would like led.
If you play and discard a higher card (usually 6 or greater equals a high card) – the “high-ness” is asking partner to lead the higher side suita suit other than the trump suit in a card game a long suit held in addition to trumps More of the unplayed suits, if partner gets the lead at any time.On the other hand, discarding a low card is a signal, asking partner if they get a chance to lead they should lead the lower rankedRefers to players bidding a higher ranked suit before rebidding a lower ranked suit More side suit of the unplayed suits.
Encourage a suit with odd number discards
A card which is an odd number for example 9, 7, 5, 3 is a signal that you wish partner to lead the suit of the discard if they have the opportunity. It is an encouraging signal.Discourage a suit with even number discards
A card which is an even number for example 10, 8, 4, 2 signals that you don’t wish partner to lead that suit if they have the opportunity. It is a discouraging signal.Examples
The opposition lead out the heart suit, Your partner on their first discard plays a card which shows you how they feel about the suit of the discard and also about a side suit preference:
Partners Discard |
5S – a low, odd number | Encouraging Spades | Clubs – the lower unplayed side suit |
3D – a low, odd number | Encouraging Diamonds | Clubs – the lower unplayed side suit |
7C – a high odd number | Encouraging Clubs | Spades – the higher side suit |
4D – a low even number | Discouraging Diamonds | Clubs – the lower unplayed side suit |
8S – a high even number | Discouraging Spades | Diamonds – the higher unplayed side suit |
2C – a low even number | Discouraging Clubs | Diamonds – the lower unplayed side suit |
8D – a high even number | Discouraging Diamonds | Spades – the higher unplayed side suit |
9C – a high odd number | Encouraging Club suit | Spades – the higher unplayed side suit |
Any card which is a 6 is a neutral card | Not encouraging or discouraging | No suit Preference |
Any Card which is an honor cardAn honor card is sometimes referred to as a face cards the Ace (A) the King (K) the Queen (Q) the Jack (J) and the Ten (10 or T) in each suit The 10 and 9 card in any suit are known as Intermediate Cards More |
Not encouraging or discouraging | No suit Preference |
Using Roman Discards
The opposition play a heart card and you have these cards left in your hand. What card would you play to show your partner you wanted to partner to lead spades and discouraging the club suit?
- ♠ A K 5 2
- ♦ A 9 8 5
- ♣ Q 9 8
The 8C a high even number discouraging clubs and encouraging the higher side suit which is spades
If you discard the 5D this encourages the diamond suit a low odd number and also encourages the clubs as a side suit
Practice This Lesson
The 60SecondBridge Game engine neither initiates or responds to Roman discards