Lesson 10 of 16
In Progress

310 – Entries



When playing it is important that you keep or create entries into the weak hand if it contains a long suit. An entry, is a card that wins a trick and allows you to get into that hand. The purpose is either to play the winning cards in that hand, or to lead low toward an honour card.

Entries (Play Lesson 310)

Entries are Important

Entries are the means of getting from one hand to the other. When a card wins a trick you have gained entry to the hand. You have won the ability to lead out of that hand.

For Example

You are North South in the deal below.
In a 4H heart contract, the spades in dummy are high, you have no way of getting to dummy to play them. You will end up trapped in declarer’s hand leading out your low diamonds for the opposition to win. You need Entries.





The contract is 4H and South is Declarer

The Process

South is declarer and hearts are trumps.The declarer has a good chance of winning 13 tricks on any lead if they plan their entries.

  • The Opening Lead is a Club
  • Win with the AC in Declarer’s hand
  • Play only two rounds of hearts.
  • Lead out the 3C and ruff with 4H in dummy – this is the entry play.
  • PLay the three top spades in Dummy discarding Declarer’s losing low 7D, 6D, and 5D cards
  • Play a low diamond from Dummy to AD and play KD
  • Lead out your last round of hearts dropping East’s outstanding 7H
  • The rest of the tricks are yours
Notice that Declarer didn’t play all the 6 winning spades because they were anxious about being ruffed by the outstanding trump card.

To develop your entry in this game you had to arranged to draw trumps but not all of them! In this case One trump is still out but firstly you need to ruff to enter dummy and play your winning spades.

Remember, the main way of avoiding losers is by establishing and playing your long suits.

Instant Progress Quiz – Check all correct answers



  Play clubs leading low from Dummy soon as possible to extract the AC

  Play the spade and heart winners to ensure you don’t lose them

  Play the spades to lead low from Dummy and finesse East for the QH

  Play the diamonds at every opportunity to extract the AD and the KD


The Acol Bidding System

*If you live in the UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand Acol is the most widespread system Acol has the following characteristics:
  • It is a natural system: most opening bids, responses and rebids are made with at least 4 cards in the suit bid, and most no trump bids are made with balanced hands.
  • It is a four-card major system: only four-card suits are required to open 1 or 1, unlike Standard American and many other systems where five-card suits are typically required.
  • It makes extensive use of limit bids: limit bids describe the hand so closely, in terms of high card points (HCP) and shape, that the one who makes the limit bid is expected to pass on the next round, unless partner makes a forcing bid.
  • Understanding and correct use of limit bids and forcing bids is fundamental to applying the system: all no trump bids below the level of 4NT are limit bids, as are all suit bids that merely repeat a suit already bid by the partnership; changes of suit may be forcing or not depending on the approach bids.
  • The level of the 1NT opening bid influences other bids: the normal choice is between a “weak no trump” (12–14 HCP) and a “strong no trump” (15–17 HCP).
  • All 1 of a suit opening bids then promise at least 4 cards in the bid suit
  • Notrump follow-up conventions include Stayman, Jacoby transfers Blackwood and Gerber Convention.